NAGLY is a place where youth can discuss issues of importance to them, explore their identities, build self-awareness, and learn skills for being safe and healthy. Through group building and community service opportunities, the youth and staff at NAGLY have created a strong community that promotes respect for self and for others. Youth of all sexual orientations, gender identities, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, classes, and abilities are welcome and celebrated. Young people who are unsure or questioning are supported as they remain in transition or examine possibilities carefully and in a developmentally appropriate manner.

Through support and education, young people at NAGLY are empowered to be themselves without shame, violence, discrimination, or misunderstanding. The group environment values each member’s unique contributions. Participants are guided to make decisions that promote well-being, leading to an improved sense of self, lower rates of risky behavior, increased academic achievement, and greater potential for a productive and successful future. NAGLY recognizes the importance of parental support in fostering healthy development for young people. We strive to increase family communication by encouraging open and honest dialogue when safe and appropriate.

NAGLY is run by both peer leaders and adult advisors. Both are mandated reporters and are trained to make referrals to outside resources.
All staff have a high regard for confidentiality and cannot reveal personal or individual information. Adult advisors are available to parents and caregivers to discuss operations and policies as well as what youth can expect when joining a meeting. Adult advisors can also suggest resources to parents, family, caregivers, and community members.